Prairie Crossing Elementary ! 1/20/2022 Week 3:
Prairie Crossing was like Grand Central Station on this day. There were cars pulling through and the parking lot was already half full before 7:30 am. It really shows just how much work and how long the hours are for so many staff at these schools.
I waiting on the bagel delivery and made my first attempt at a video for our social media and this blog. It didn’t go well, I’ve learned that I really need to work on my public speaking. That aside, the bagels were on time and we were lead into the school right at 7:45. Stacey had been my point of contact but she was busy so Debbie led us to the break room. Debbie too was already going a million miles an hour, it was clear the school was already in full swing. I mentioned all the cars and people I’d noticed so early and she informed me that they had several pre-school functions going on.
Another eye opening experience was had at Prairie Crossing. The amount of work that goes into our youth today is impressive and gives me hope.
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